Felix Gold Limited Projects
Antimony Assets
Treasure Creek hosts a significant high-grade antimony system with peak values up to 65.4% Sb. Recent exploration has identified multiple high-grade zones, with potential for near-term production centered around two key areas.
North West Array Zone
A significant new discovery where continuous trench sampling returned exceptional high-grade results including 3m at 50.26% Sb and 5.29 g/t Au, with peak values of 65.4% Sb. Systematic sampling demonstrates continuity of mineralization along the structural trend.
Scrafford Shear Zone
+8km structural corridor hosting the historic Scrafford Antimony Mine, which produced at grades ranging from 38% to 58% Sb. Recent systematic sampling has confirmed the high-grade nature of the mineralization, returning six samples between 37.5% and 43.7% Sb.
With China's recent export restrictions highlighting supply chain vulnerabilities, Felix's high-grade antimony assets are emerging as strategically vital for U.S. domestic supply of this critical mineral, essential for everyday use products and industrial applications.
"Our trenching program has delivered outstanding results across both target areas at Treasure Creek, headlined by exceptional grades up to 65.4% Sb at NW Array. The consistency of high-grade mineralization is remarkable - with continuous trench sampling on true widths at NW Array averaging 3m @ 50.26% Sb and 5.29 g/t gold, while systematic sampling at the Scrafford Shear returned six samples grading between 37.5% and 43.7% Sb, alongside multiple samples above 1 g/t Au.
These results further demonstrate the potential for two high-grade antimony production centers at Treasure Creek, providing optionality and further confidence of our goal of small scale near-term production.
With China's recent antimony export restrictions highlighting supply chain vulnerabilities, Treasure Creek is emerging as a strategically vital project capable of supporting domestic U.S. antimony supply for critical defense and industrial applications."
Joesph Webb, Executive Director of Felix Gold
Field images from the 2024 Antimony Trenching Program
Cautionary Statement: The photographs in Fig. 3 and Fig. 4 shows material uncovered during trenching operations at NW Array. Visual estimates of mineral abundance should never be considered a proxy or substitute for laboratory analyses where concentrations or grades are the factor of principal economic interest. Visual estimates also potentially provide no information regarding impurities or deleterious physical properties relevant to valuations. The nature, grade, and economic viability of any mineralization can only be determined through detailed laboratory analysis. Assay results from the trenching program are pending, and the Company will provide updates to the market once these results have been received and interpreted.
Gold Assets
Grant Mine
High-grade brownfields resource expansion
JORC 2012 Inferred MRE: 364koz gold (inc. 136koz gold @ 6.2 g/t Au)*
Exploration upside: Open along strike and at depth
NW Array
Large, open, at-surface, oxide and flat-lying gold system
JORC 2012 Inferred MR: 25Mt @ 0.58g/t for 467koz*
Exploration upside: Open along strike and at depth
NE Fairbanks
Strategic landholding adjacent to major gold producers
Adjacent to Fort Knox Mine (11.27Moz) and Golden Summit (22.4Moz)
Historic assays up to 1.84 oz/ton gold
Kinross drilling near Felix boundary as they seek additional ore